Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
i am totally screwed!
i deleted my friendster account which obviously had so much memories in it!
and created a new one :)
add me up okay pple? im now like a loner, no friends :(
HAHA! so im so damn bored now, my heart's torn into pieces cos i keep on thinking bout my friendster account.
now chatting with Natz & Wanie.
doing some catching up with her & she said she saw Ashraf at Jurong, the carwash place. :D
now i think gonna call Ashraf as he seems to be the last straw of entertainment for me!
anyw, my new friendster acc :
brightmorningstar-@hotmail.comADDDDDDDDD ME UP! :D
Monday, April 23, 2007
'this will never happen again...'
im back people, but i hav to let y'all knw dat i wont really be actively blogging these days, cos having a slight problem with using the computer at home. been strictly banned for using the computer on reasons dat i abused it. yes i knw dat this has happened for the umpteenth time, but i dun think i will ever stop from blogging cos it happened to be part of my life, something i alw look forward to coming home to.
well, these few days have been quite a wonder :) so just now we had A M ath test and i can confirm with you that i'll fail the test although i made full use of the time to figure out what the questions mean. After the test, Priscilla asked me, 'did you draw the graph?' and i was like, 'what graph? the question asked us to draw a graph?' YES, FUNNY. i told you i didnt understand any questions. so i kinda wrote down everything i self-studied at home the previous weekend. and after awhile it looked like i was boasting: i was pouring out all the knowledge i had about that topic. especially alpha-beta. but what could i do? that was the only solution visible to me.
so i supposed to hav 3 hours of detention today after school, but i only served for 1hr & 15 mins. cos one thing, i arrived 15 mins late due to the heavy raining. and i wasnt feeling well. plus i had to get home by 5.15 so dat my daddy wouldnt knw. so mayb im finishing the 1hr & 45 mins of what's left tmrw. wish me luck okay? detention is so darn boring without anyone to entertain me! :(
i hope the latest blogskin im using now is okay for the time being.
i realised that the previous one was kind of irritating, so i decided to change it.
does this look better, Nurul?
'i love you Muhammad Ashraf' :)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
forgive & forget,
that is whats important nw..
Saturday, April 14, 2007

a few days passed me by, but it felt like mths.. how am i supposed to let you go? to place you somewhere far when you're so close to my heart? we nvr considered how hard its gonna be for us. i dun know bout you, but i give up, i seriously do.
i rest my case. the truth is, i want him back, really..eveyrthing around me reminds me of you, how could i not think of you for even one minute? my Brother talks about Mr. Bean, and thats when i thought of you. i woke up in the middle of the nite and thought of you. i try to study, but your name is all over the textbooks. i cant possibly get over you, fullstop. what my mum said to him was full of bullshit, it wasnt him that my studies r dropping, it wasnt him that made me so stupid. the only reason im living for now is myself. yes,
but nw..
it may be just a few days, but could you see how bad its gonna be in the future? i was going on fine without you for the first, second days, but my heart's been so hurt, i dun know wat else to do but wait for you to answer my call.
i will never give up in getting you back, for my life's now devoted to you.
but im so hopeless..
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
nowadays often hang out with Adlina & Dino.
and lemme tell you, AMK's the best place to rest!
IM GLAD THAT EVERYTHING'S FINE NOW.I LOVE YOU BUSHUK, I'LL NEVER EVER TRADE YOU EVEN FOR A THOUSAND M&M'S :Dtmrw's another school day, meeting Lin & Dino at Bishan Park bus stop after school.
tkcre people, i'll be back nxt tyme!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
when i think about it again,
why did i let you go?
Saturday, April 07, 2007
thx for being strong during these times. but pls stop giving me hope, cos i want to put a stop to all this. i suffered, you did too. but i dun think you deserve that. so i wanna say sorry for giving you so many good times...but i hope you wont forget them. im so tired of all this secrets, who needs them? i wanna be free like everyone.
i wanna make lots of friends while i can. but mayb i dun deserve a guy like you, mayb you're too good for me, or mayb you're too patient to make me realise from my mistake? people r asking me to calm down, but i cant, cos you're still on my mind.
Boy, i hav loved you ever since, its up to you to believe it or not. but if i love you, i'll hav to let go. cos i dun want to see my loved one suffering, would i? im sorry to make you believe all the sweet nothings i whispered into your ears. i just dun want you to be the victim of my sufferings anymore. i want you to be like how you used to be, free from everything.
imma let you go nw.
im so sorry..
mayb i was wrong, mayb the previous two days were so okay for me :D
on good friday, went out with ajim, aman & andi. first, went to marina square, ate @ Burger King. and guess what a stupid person would do, Aman went to the counter place and asked for the Burger King paper crown and came back to our place. & he placed it on my head. den the guy who gave him the crown came to our table with my late fries and wished me happy birthday. Arhh.. it was quite embarrassing lah! =/
den went to play pool and yeah, i lost to them : 4th placing. but its okay right? cos im like the youngest there. den we had bowling :D i came in third, WOOOH! (how about that!) =D den we went to Esplanade and hung around there. then i saw Nazirah Msl! WOOOOOOH! :D she was with her bf. so we kinda talked quite long and we had the same fone. HA-HA! talked for very long, then my cousins' faces were getting bored. so i bid goodbye and we went back to Marina Square and bought Mr. Bean tix. i mind watching it for the second time but it's okay. and i saw Dian Khatib with her friend there too, so i said hello and bye. :D
after the movie, went to eat at Seoul Garden, (ajim's treat)! it was the best thing that he did for me lah. :D had fun there, den walked at Esplanade for the last time and took off from there at around 11+. took the train home and everyone ended up sleeping at my house.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
its 5:02pm and im back.
my ppaid fone is lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARHHHH..i think mummy took it. im gonna hav a hell of a time later. SURE get scolded. im such a clumsy fcuking shit.
& just now went to meet Ashraf. we were both like so stiff, we werent talking to each other. waiting for the bus, he sighed so heavily. in the bus, he listened to his mp3 but didnt offer me one earpiece like he alw do. i STIFFLED. going home time, he only muttered 'the bus is here' and i got in the bus and he left. he didnt giv me gudbye kiss as alw. this is the worst day i ever had with him. sat dwn under the usual block, there were 4 CIDs walking ard, so we sat opposite each other. i faced the bicycles and he faced the checkered table. silence all the way. its like we were strangers. went home, messaged him and he didnt even bother to reply. so i called him up, and asked him why he didnt reply, den he simply answered, 'reply wat?' so i said nevermind. BUT MY HEART'S BURNINGGG MADNESS!
how sick can this be?
& he still can ask me why i asked about the break thingy. i was too lazy to answer. he keep on saying i was being stubborn. who the hell is stubborn nw? these 3 days ahead is gonna be hell for me, i swear it will be. i wont get to contact him (nw dat my ppaid fone is revealed), and he's angry with me. mummy's angry with me too. how the hell am i gonna cope with all this? to think dat he could do anything in the 3 days without even hearing my voice, its terrible. from the past bad xperiences he told me, i knw its gonna be so difficult for me. why cant my life be like other teens out there? having fun, bad luck only once in a blue moon? i dun get it. why would everyone hate him? why would mummy dislike him so much, why must God take him away from me? WHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY? :(
but nevertheless, i will be strong and not cry infront of anyone.
not even him. im not weak. i will not be weak anymore.
because i know im not supid to be treated this way.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
on 2nd april, my cousin was caught in an accident involving 3 buses. HE was the only one injured. Bik Jah called up, and told us to watch the news, den told us that Aman was the guy they were talking about. i was so hellllllll shocked i tell you! so the next day after school, i turon Marsiling to jengok him. he was still in a state of shock, & i watched him eat his painkiller pill which was as big as an earpiece. he wasnt acting like himself though, but i managed to cheer him up abit :D
so ytdy was kinda stupid, reached home at 11+ & straight away crashed the bed. was so sleepy lah, couldnt help it! den at around 2+, he called me up & told me dat he couldnt sleep. so i accompanied him from 2-5. I STAYED UP AND ENTERTAINED HIS CRAP TALKING + SACRIFICED MY PRECIOUS SLEEPING TIME. but its okay, i guess. so i slept quite alot of times in school today. was even called out by Mr Tan Jee Yen to wakey-wakey.
& i hav a pair of vogue red shades + some earrings from nurul & nora. thx :D
i promised to bring Namirah along to Khatib last week to meet Akim, but i wasnt free. so i guess mayb d next week or smth. :)
tmrw meeting Ashraf, finally :D we were kinda having a small fight over small matters but we ended up giving in to each other. that's the way, isnt it?
& did i mentioned? : im so loving my new fone can? but the battery dies real quick. i hate that part.
NEXT TUESDAY : IMMA GO LAVENDER TO MAKE IC WITH NATZ. (im gonna hav a pink card, teeheeks!)
Sunday, April 01, 2007
its already two days passed my birthday, it felt so fast!
okeh, on d nite of 30th March, we celebrated Natz birthday, so here imma upload d photos after this post okay? so we had a hell of a good time there with friends & all. the birthday girl was feeling high the minute i bounced a balloon on her forehead! HAHA! =D
so at d strike of midnite, messages keep coming in, but i was asleep, haha. den mummy woke me up & told me there's someone the house fone wanting to talk to me. so i went to it, den found out dat it was Dian Tamp. she told me she couldnt reach my hp, so she called me here. i said thx, and hung up. den another surprise came in :D haha. den, went back to sleep. 3 pple disturbed my sleep : Akim, DickHead, Iqbal & Ashraf. they wished me thru my ppaid & dat left me awake. i couldnt sleep anymore. so Ashraf accompanied me thru d nite.
so d next morning, woke up & reply all d messages real quick, den headed for a bath. met Natz @ interchg with my present, (& she wore the dress i bought for her) & later on, Nurul came. i went off first, to meet Ashraf @ d mrt station & we headed of to town together. den we watched Mr. Bean's Holiday, & 'twas kinda boring, but he loved it, i tell you! haha. every stupid move Mr. Bean makes, he laugh out like hell. so i enjoyed dat movie even though we were like sitting in the first side row. dat was the last thing i wanted, to sit in the first row & pain my neck.
after d movie, went to meet Aishah & Aqilah :D went to Far East Plaza & had our lunch @ LJS. Aishah told me she saw Irwan there, but i didnt see him. HAHA! so we ate and he made jokes out of nth, but they liked it, i was used to it. :D den was waiting for bus 162 to Esplanade & when it arrived, we flaged for it, but it just went by. so we took a cab (my treat, cos i hadnt used any money yet)! reached there, me & Ashraf sat down while both of them went to penin to meet their friend. so we talked till 9+ den met them Marina Bay steps. i had a great nite with him, i must say. :D
den on sunday (010407), my family brought me to Swensen's & we had dinner there. after dat, they bought for me Nokia 5300, the one i wanted. i was so damn happy lah! :D anyw, at Swensen's, we finished our main course meal, den was flipping thru the pages of the dessert menu, & suddenly there's this Giant Earthquake ice-cream infront of me with a 15 candles lit. i was +++shocked when about 6-7 staff of the Swensen's came to our table and sang d happy birthday song to me. plus, d ice-cream was free. i said thank you, and they left me burning there. everyone was like looking at me, i dun know, smiling? HAHA. thx mummy, i know you're behind all this :D
so i guess my bday's not over already. Ajim owes me a bday treat & there's gonna b a pit on Good Friday especially for me. i think im pampered, dun you think so? =/
ytdy was April Fool's, & i was tricked by 3 pple : Ashraf, Eman & Hana. IM STUPID STUPID STUPIDDD TO NOT RMBR DAT IT WAS APRIL FOOL'S! ARHHHH!.. :D