Thursday, February 15, 2007

today was quite fun, i guess. boringness was what we went thru at the starting of upper sec assembly, till they showed us like part of Sinking Of Japan & The World Trade Center. was cooooolio! :D so we had E Math test just now, & it wasnt as easy as i thought i would b. the first & last question was the easiest for me. im gonna flunk. BAD. oh, and A Math test, i swear, there were just 2 questions (40 minutes), and i thought i had forgotten everything i learned since kindergarten. hahah. Nurul thinks so too. and i was like the first one to finish..? haha. so i got an early recess! :D and please remind me, dat i hav to start bucking up. x_________x
so malay class was the best class for today, cos we had so much laughter. our malay teacher opened up Cikgu Murni's computer files and lookin' thru our sec one pictures, we were a whole bunch of drama-mamas back then. we were so posing for the camera wit our retarded faces & all. and den Cikgu Faza continued on rammaging the other files, class photos and all. well, yknow, those passport-sized pictures. and she opened mine first! it was like blown out on the screen lah. so we laughed3, and kept on looking at other pple's pictures too. especially Nora, she wasnt laughing so much, till Nurul's picture came out. well, she wasnt to b blamed for the (?) picture ok! her specs JUST wasnt in place. i would b burning right there in my seat if dat picture was mine. but cheers to Nurul, for being cool. :D
so looking at these pictures, gets me thinking of how pple change alot in just 2 yrs. isnt it weird? some pple change for the better, but some change into somebody pple hate. why would they want dat anyw? mayb its their choice, we hav no control over their lives. and im happy dat my friends r not those kinds. phew! =/ and i hope they wont change to bcome like dat in the yrs to come eh. yup, dat includes me too. if i were to go thru an xtreme makeover & end up being a total slut, someone please tell me ok.
mayb tmrw meeting Ashraf. so gonna skip art lesson, cos there'll still b classes after the celebration. HOW DUMB. i cant wait to see him, cos there was too much dat happened btween us during this whole one week, and mayb meeting him might change my whole thinking bout him. but anyw, i still love him so much, dat my heart could almost rip into two. l,krecgymu2werilxczwexku,r (?!)
and you know wat i found out?
our 5th month (which falls on the 28th), is my mummy's bday.
there wont b time to spend with him.
shtupeed asyhole.