Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Hello,Happy 43rd bdae mummy :D
anyw, i hav to let you know dat i wont b able to post anymre, (well, not everyday). i've been banned from using the computer at home once again for 'abusing' it. yeah right. even now, im in the school library grabbing the opporutnity to blog, how kemarot sia. pfft.
so will b evaporate from this blog for a mere 2 months to convince my dad. haha. so forgiv me for not really posting anythin for these months. & yes, happy 5 mths to me & Ashraf today. he'll b my one & only boy lollipop :D
im done, gotta giv it back t0 Farhan.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Hello, im back after a long break from the computer. so on Sunday, went back to Johor till Tuesday. i dun think i hav the energy to type bout wat happened in the three days. and (!) i didnt go to school today, fuckkkkkkkk. woke up late x_x how sickening. just now, went to meet Iwan for awhile. he wanna send me his pic to show Syahida. haha. im his babu or wat sia?! haha. nevermind, he's supernice to me :D and after dat, went to meet Ashraf under my block. walked and walked around my house area, den went to sit somewhere near my house. but only till 5. den went home and sleep. now, gonna b off to ngaji! blog next time okeh? BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :DPSST, I LOVE YOU, ANAK MUHAMMAD!
Thursday, February 15, 2007

today was quite fun, i guess. boringness was what we went thru at the starting of upper sec assembly, till they showed us like part of Sinking Of Japan & The World Trade Center. was cooooolio! :D so we had E Math test just now, & it wasnt as easy as i thought i would b. the first & last question was the easiest for me. im gonna flunk. BAD. oh, and A Math test, i swear, there were just 2 questions (40 minutes), and i thought i had forgotten everything i learned since kindergarten. hahah. Nurul thinks so too. and i was like the first one to finish..? haha. so i got an early recess! :D and please remind me, dat i hav to start bucking up. x_________x
so malay class was the best class for today, cos we had so much laughter. our malay teacher opened up Cikgu Murni's computer files and lookin' thru our sec one pictures, we were a whole bunch of drama-mamas back then. we were so posing for the camera wit our retarded faces & all. and den Cikgu Faza continued on rammaging the other files, class photos and all. well, yknow, those passport-sized pictures. and she opened mine first! it was like blown out on the screen lah. so we laughed3, and kept on looking at other pple's pictures too. especially Nora, she wasnt laughing so much, till Nurul's picture came out. well, she wasnt to b blamed for the (?) picture ok! her specs JUST wasnt in place. i would b burning right there in my seat if dat picture was mine. but cheers to Nurul, for being cool. :D
so looking at these pictures, gets me thinking of how pple change alot in just 2 yrs. isnt it weird? some pple change for the better, but some change into somebody pple hate. why would they want dat anyw? mayb its their choice, we hav no control over their lives. and im happy dat my friends r not those kinds. phew! =/ and i hope they wont change to bcome like dat in the yrs to come eh. yup, dat includes me too. if i were to go thru an xtreme makeover & end up being a total slut, someone please tell me ok.
mayb tmrw meeting Ashraf. so gonna skip art lesson, cos there'll still b classes after the celebration. HOW DUMB. i cant wait to see him, cos there was too much dat happened btween us during this whole one week, and mayb meeting him might change my whole thinking bout him. but anyw, i still love him so much, dat my heart could almost rip into two. l,krecgymu2werilxczwexku,r (?!)
and you know wat i found out?
our 5th month (which falls on the 28th), is my mummy's bday.
there wont b time to spend with him.
shtupeed asyhole.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Hello,Happy Valentine's Day everyone :Di havent bought everyone anything yet. but everyone, please note to hunt for me for your gifts ok! haha. today was actually a bad day for me, cos im x2038328759327584 sad. :(cries.see, yesterday dine out at Seoul Garden, as planned. den everyone finished eating, stayed there for awhile to chat and all. the total for dat day was $291+, my mummy paid half and my aunt paid the other half. :D den went out of Seoul Garden, mummy and aunt Eliza went to shop at Taka. so there were me and my cousins left. so we walking around town, den my uncle called me up, and asked us to come to his workplace if we hadn't been doing anything. so we took bus 65 from Orchard, den stopped around McKenzie Road. there was Amaran, a nightclub which we werent supposed to get in, cos we were underage (but we had special pass, yeahooo)! and let me tell you sth, the place was like so dark and so nice, w its glowing thingys and all! :D so we sat down at the VIP areas and njoyed sodas, and the music too, duh. there was alot of dangdut, makes me swing to every song they play. coolio. and i there was a stupid argument btween me and him, which was dragged till today, and i cried during recess, like skdadfgkedcjexvwm4deci(!) how embarassing, Valentine's day should b filled with happiness & sweet hugs, but it turned out this way for me. & thanks everyone for comforting me. && Natz for bringing me to the toilet and asking me look down as not to let anyone see my red, sore eyes. &&& Ashvini for forcing a sincere smile out of me. &&&& Nora for sharing me the peanuts. :Dand now, back at home, suffering from a flu, a torturing one! =/ when the hell will it stop?! haha. irritating me, yes. pfft. anyw, just now had chem test and lickily i had the time to study for awhile during reading period in the parade square. pheww. but i think i screwed up at the 9-MARK question. hello, the higher the marks, the harder it is. Grr..!tmrw, E Math & A Math tests. i think E Math'll still b okay, but i dun know bout A Math. its getting harder & harder for me to cope wit A Math, and i dun feel like taking A Math during my O's. haha. everyone, pray for me okay?make my nose stop running!im sorry if i hadn't been a good girl by ur side all this while.i've tried my best, but i guess it didnt show.i hope you still continue to find the perfection in me,dun just concentrate on my flaws.and i love you so much, dear.happy Valentine's day. :D
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Hello,Valentine's tmrw :Djust now after school, went to j8 with Nurul & Noraishah. followed Nurul to buy Valentine gifts for everyone, den followed Noraishah to Mini Toons to look for hers. den i bought somethin for Akim, whose birthday falls on the 27th Feb. when i look at it again now, i crave for one too. haha. how ridiculous. feel like not giving him lah! but im not dat evil. =/ den went to Precious Thoughts & bought him a cup + a bear attached inside. how cute! so i went to buy it.now thinking of wat to write in the letters which i shared money wit Nurul just now. :D wat should i write? i want it to contain funny things. (doesnt mean a Valentine's letter should b romantic and sweet right?) :Dand gonna off the computer real soon, cos have to bath and all. den zoom off to Ngee Ann City for the family dinner @ Seoul Garden. coolio~ i cant wait, cos its been so long since i ate Seoul Garden. but too bad, my dad couldnt tag along, (well, like alw) He never knew how to set aside time for family gatherings and all. he was alw missing from us, carrying out his workaholic duties. does work really mean everything to him? pfft.Hazril Badot tegored me on MSN. haha. he wanted to conferm dat it was me who he saw at Ska Fest @ Gas Haus dat day. so i said, yeah. & he was like, cooooool. haha. and he told me dat my Brother's band was good, and he told me dat im supernice to come down the gig and support my Brother. its now dat i really do realise dat im such a nice being. superyay. anyone disagrees?to imakid:
sorry, but who are you? i cant seem to remember if you dun use your real name. haha. anyw, i think you're someone close to me, cos YOU MISS ME :D and dats the best point of your tag. =D reply on my tagboard soon okeh.
Monday, February 12, 2007
im asking for opinions now,'Are friends worth fighting for?' to me, every friend mean the world to me, especially those who are alw wit me. those who respect me, those who laugh wit me, those who cry wit me, those who accepts me for who i am. i may not b perfect, (nobody's perfect), but my friends see the perfection in me, like i see in them. but i think wat happened just now was a total mistake. & Nora thinks wat she said involved me too. i dun understand, at all. there was such close rship btween both of us, i never left her alone, did I Nora? and now she's placing me in the situation too. i dun blame her for dat, cos im so close to the normal pple i alw hang out with. i was with them from sec 1, where they were, i was there too. i wouldn't have abondoned them, not one single bit. but anyw, i wouldn't make this long. just wanted to confirm to you, dat once im your friend, im alw your friend. why should i not b ur friend in the first place? trust me, we've never used you before. i hope this kind of thing wouldn't happen again. try to make urself comfortable in 3Truth, & everything'd b fine. 3Truth'd b a heaven to b in. 3Truth'd b the reason why you look forward to come to school for. think straight, girl. :Dguess dats enough bout friendship, cos i've had enough of problems like these. anyw, today was okay. but still fucked-up cos of the subject periods and all. PURE BORINGNESSSS. x_x but one gud thing is dat, Mr Kom is getting more lenient to us. :D yays? haha. and i think the chalet's plan is getting messy. 2 backed out, and we cant figure out any other pple to cover them. see, the more pple, the lesser we have to pay. (not using anyone or whatsoever)!so anyw, tmrw's gonna b a great day :D haha. after school, mayb goin home straight, to bath & all, den going out again. to Ngee Ann City for dinner wit cousins & all. to celebrate my aunt's bdae and also to celebrate my Brother's success. eh? haha. somethin like dat. this is wat my aunt sent me, it was so freaking cool can?! :EMAN gagah tidak terkata, Azim kacak sudahlah tentu,jom pegi makan makanan Korea, di Ngee Ann City tempat bertemu.ANDI handsome tengoklah bapaknye, ABILLA cun kadang2 saje,Seoul Garden nama tempatnye, jam 7 kite punye dinner.ALIFF joker itulah anak saya, tapi kadang2 cekik darah jugak.kalau nak confirmation teleponlah saya, ingat besok sarapan pagi aje,besok malam kite makan sampai nak giler.DIAN sweet lagik bergaya, tapi still tak leh fight BIKJAH punya,tanda bersyukur anak2 berjaya, jgn lupa temu janji kita.how cute! :D my aunt's a pro can?! and she dared me to make a poem and beat hers. like duh! haha. still trying, but cant seem to find words dat rhyme. haha. anyone wants to help me? haha.omg, i miss him already. wat should i do now? haha. waiting for him to come home. he gave me a call just now, he sounded hyper. i like! =DDD when shall i get to meet him again? and my Brother's band mates are crazy. they keep on shouting like its their house. they should know dat im in the room here, trying to listening to some songs..? haha. nevermind, im supernice. i shall let them go on and scream till their lungs rip out. was that too harsh and evil?ASHRAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF/(just felt like typing his beau name) :D
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Hello,today was tiring, but its a good xperience, i think. but i pity my mum alot cos me & Nurul kept on leaving her along wit the stall. i mean, it was useless. AND TIRING! but pffft, nevermind. anyw, we went home with a great loss but i was happy :D i get to spend the day wit Nurul, finally. HA-HA-HAPINESSSSSSSSS. its been so long can?! she brought me around, actually wanted to walk all the way to Far East Plaza, but decided it was too far from the flea market. so we walked back, and there was a crowd gathering around this small kid who played the drums. pro seh. x_x den continued walking, and saw another crowd. there was this girl sitting on one tank filled wit water. someone have to hit the square thingy so dat she can fall in the tank, wit the waterproof camera. they just wanted to proof dat the camera was waterproof, but i liked the idea anyw. =Dokeh, today didnt answer alot of his calls. but i called him back ok! den he reached home at 5+ in the morning. den we talked for awhile. the topic was best, it was about birthdays! :D i like. anyw, there's somethin wrong with friendster. i cant seem to log in. they say dat my email current email address cannot receive any messages or updates from my friends. stooooopid. tired, figuring how to solve the problem. so i decided to wait for a few days to let it recover. wow, i make it sound like a sick patient. haha. =/oh shit, next week gonna b having 2 tests; E Math & A Math. so gonna b a MATHY week. tmrw gonna study hard ah. i dun wanna fail, if not, i wont get a camera for my bdae present. i badly want it! :D i promise to work hard, okay mummy? and Brother's ACTUALLY asking for my opinion whether to get in to either SP or MI. why ask me? there's still more den 1&1/2 years for me to even think about it. i dun know a single shit about any courses offered. but wat i know is dat he's considering btween marine engineering or music & audio. haha. if i were him, i think i'd choose marine engineering, cos he's had too much of music & audio. haha. at least, it's a totally different thing to learn. :Dwednesday's Valentine's Day. :D Nurul gave me an idea to buy for him Spongebob Squarepants boxer @ J8. still re-considering. haha. pening ah~ his bdae's on 13th May too. coming soon, so i gotta save up soon lah. cos March's gonna cost me a bomb. and Noraishah's bdae is in 9 days. oh no, and akim's bdae is in 16 days, and mummy's in 17 days. and i still haven't decided wat to buy for them. wat should i buy? Hmm.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Hello,im so happy i got to meet him yesterday, fooh how cute :D and i hope abby's doing fine alright. just chill, dats the only thing i can afford to tell you. everyone has problems, yeah BIG ones. anyw, we're alw b here if you cant find anyone else to comfort you, okay? and Saras & Vicky, you too. i dun know wats gonna happen next, just calm down! dun make decisios at the state you're in. it wont work. dun cancel the chalet okay? you'll need the chalet and us friends sometimes to njoy life. i hope to see everyone (as planned) there. we've been thinking so hard bout it. i love all my friends alright, so dun forget dat we're alw here. =DDDyesterday reached Bishan st 22 wit him, den went to meet his frend, Farhan (gigi), with 3 other guys and 3 other Guangyang girls. den over there, have Haikel (bdak ngaji) & my abg angkat, Azmi. haha. i like coincidences. and when me and him were walking away, my abg angkat was like, 'dun do anythin to my sister ehhh' den he laughed. but anyw, i had a fun time wit him yesterday. x_xooh, my Brother got an 18 for his O Levels. and he was thinking to get into Poly, but my dad was thinking to place him in JC. so there was quite a small problem last nite, abit of an argument. but things will settle down by tmrw, i guess. cos they're registering online. haha. Nurul's reaching my house at 10+ in the morning today, she's helping out me & my mum at the LIME flea market. everyone must come grab something from us okay? wah, spent alot of time pasting the price tags yesterday, it was sure tough work, cos i was so sleepy. den ended up sleeping on the living room floor. and mummy kept talking to me, but she didnt realised dat i was asleep. den woke up by the argument btween my Brother and dad, den went to my bed and slept. i guess that's all for today. :D
Thursday, February 08, 2007
my background keeps on changing, i hate this!
pfffffffffffft. wat the hell's ur problem, Blogger? x_x
Hello,just now had a fucked-up day. the lessons were boring, dats wat made it fucked-up. if not, it wont be. ah, im getting lazy in E Math lesson. And im eating in A Math lesson. congrats, Dian. haha. =Djust now, had a surprise malay test. did i ever mentioned that i hate suprise tests? it makes me sick. erkk. and bout 10 minutes of our CME period [the last period of the day], was taken by Mrs Wannah Lim. she stressed the class bout things dat went missing from the chemisry lab everytime we went there. yeah, the bunsen burner lighter, and even the conical flask. the thief didnt own up so there's gonna b a slight deduction from the class fund. who the heck cares? x_xand tell me, what else should i do other den sticking with my computer when my Brother is not around? Hmm. he alw entertain me when he's at home. and now, he's at Bedok wit my cousin. should've met up with them after skul just now. but too bad, my form teacher released us later by 20 minutes or so. FCUKING SHIT!boreddddddddddddddd! YAWNS.what does YAWNING means? it means dat im starting to get sleepy. i think i should hit the bed now. dont you think so too?
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Bila ku tidak di sini, tetaplah kau bernyanyi
Dan bila ku telah pergi, kenanglah terjadi
Pastikan padaku bahawa kamu akan baik-baik saja
Kerana disetiap mimpiku, pasti selalu ada kamu
Dengarkan dan rasakan, lagu yang ku ciptakan untukmu
Walau mungkin terdengar tak merdu, tapi hanya untukmu
Kita pernah bersama disini, lalui hari penuh warna warni
Meski tak seindah pelangi, tapi kita pernah bermimpi
Percayalah padaku, meski di gelap malam kamu tak sendirian
Dan semua bintang yang ku tinggalkan, temani kau sampai akhir malam
Mungkin ini hanya sementara, mungkin juga untuk selamanya
Tapi nanti jika ku kembali, kau harus ada disini.
i love you =D
Namun ku masih mencuba untuk punya segalanya .............
Hello :D
ohhhhhhhh im lovin' my life!
yesterday was spent sleeping at home after school. then woke up by a phone call by Brother, asked me to meet him at j8 at 7, cos he wanted to treat me Sakae Sushi. yeehak! so woke up and bathed again, den prepared and reached there 7.20! haha. im not always late ok. and so, he told me to eat all i can. haha. but my stomach's have limited space ah. =/ den followed him go smoke. and then sat under the block for quite awhile den went home. reached at 9+. den was xtremely sad bout somethin. but today, okay already. yay!
today went to follow Saras meet Ida at interchg. she's nice. :D and den went home. and anyw, she had work dat afternoon lah. so no point staying late anyw. den reached home and hugged my computer to my room. i didnt touch it since last sunday. MISSMISS. =D
now i have a chance to scream my lungs out to the world dat i hate school when it comes to studying. A Math is driving me nuts and physics & chem are torturing me. i'll just shake my ass off till i get my own A Math tutor. and just now had social studies. i dun know how i'll fair, but we'll see. haha. cos i slept went my teacher was xplaining how to answer the essay question. so i dun quite know how to do. so i just shoot at it lah. there's gonna b a geography test this friday. oh no, gotta start studying now. i mean, after this. :D next wednesdae, having E Math test. on valentine's day, ON VALENTINE'S DAY! and on thursday, gonna have A Math test. ahh, dat im sure to fail cos i dun bother to study. unless Nurul is willing to teach me? cos im quite hard-headed. haha. good luck, Dian. dun flunk.
& yes, i miss Ashraf.
Saturday, February 03, 2007

im so saddd :(
dat i didnt get to meet him yesterday. he called me up in the morning and told me bout the roadblock to our meeting, den we figured out how to solve the problem. but in the end, couldnt b solved. shitty la. but wat can i do? so i met Ajim at Bugis at 12 and he's late again. asked him why, he said the train was stuck cos one of the tires dropped off. stupid la he. nth better to answer! the last time he was late, when i asked him why, he said the driver fainted cos he didnt eat his breakfast. haha. joker can. so we went to grab something to eat at Burger King, and stayed there for like an hour. cos we have four fucking hours before the ska fest starts. den we went in Bugis Village and i bought three pairs of earrings for skul : one black star, one red star & one green square. how nice :D
den went to hang around Gas Haus, den somethin bad happened when i called him up and told him dat im going in the gig already. wahh, dat part i sad sia. bahh screw everythin. i didnt care who was there, i just brokedown for awhile. den Ajim brought me somewhere to sit down and relax. but how could a seat help me calm down? den in the end, stopped crying when we got talk. he said he's sorry, and i let him know dat i love him. dat stopped me crying, to hear wat i mean to him from his own mouth.
and finally its 4! went in the gig, and there wasnt much people when the first band was playing. no-one skanked to any of the songs i guess. then the Blank Note, my brother's band was next. the singer kept on figgitting with his record player i think, trying to remember the lyrics. he was sitting down, looking relaxed, den suddenly he looked at us, 'i think i got mixed up larh sial.' den he wasnt ready to get on stage. so the band played something like an interlude, without him first. den after dat, they played Mimpi. dat song was fucking nice can?! im in love wit dat song. :D ahh~ and there was this indonesian band, they played like ahhhhhh! nice! and they threw their cds into the crowd infront of the stage. those who got it are damn lucky can?! haha. and everyone in the Gas Huas were practically infront of the stage skanking to all their songs. they even modified a P.RAMLEE song to the ska genre. and they did it right. im in love wit them, music makers of the world. =DDDD
after the gig, we went to pasir ris, cos my kak sedare had a pit. den she ajak us go there. reached there, and there were so many of her friends. she asked us go take wat we wanna eat, and do the self-service. but i shy lah, too many people around. so she did for me :D how sweet. haha. den she introduced me to her boyfee. haha! he's nice lah. den we finally got to blend wit the rest, joked wit them and all. and there's one of her friends who brought 2 younger brothers. they were of mixed phillipino, chinese and arab. they were both so handsome lah, even though they were like aged 8 and 11 years old. and when we asked the 11yr old guy for his name, he said his name was Jasem Syafiqh. and when we asked the 8yr old wats his name, he looked at us and said 'PUKIMAK'. den we asked again. 'wats ur name?' 'pukimak' haha! den we kept on saying, 'pukimak, take for me water, pukimak take for me hotdog' He likes it alot, i tell you! haha. sampai abg2 kakak2 semue terikot panggil dia pukimak. klakar mampos lah. his real name was Gasan Afiqh. ish, ganas ader la. haha.
left the pit at 11.10, den took a cab home, reached around 11.25 :D washed my face and went to sleep. den got woken up by vibration of fone. he called! den he asked me whether im sleeping or not. den i said yeah, den he actually wanted to talk wit me on the fone. den i said ok, but he kept on asking me to sleep if i want to. but who the hell wanted to let go of this opportunity to wit him at nite? its been so long since we did anyw. i missed dat. talked for only around 50 minutes, den hang up cos his sister wanted to call her boyfee i guess. okay, understooded. so i went to sleep. dats all i guess. and sorry to him, for not being able to follow him go panching wit his frens tmrw. bahh i feel so bad. =/
but i love him. :D
Friday, February 02, 2007
it's been an okay night for me, xcept dat he didnt called me when he reached home. he's supposed to. nevermind, i guess he's too tired.called him up just now, around 3 plus in the morning, and i told him to meet me at Bugis tmrw at 12. he said okay. =DDDD so gonna walk around wit him till 4, den gonna meet Ajim, & we'll head to Gas Haus. we're gonna come in late, around the time when Blank Note's playing. and anyw, i need to spend time wit my sayang first leh.so just now, spent so much time thinking of wat to wear for tmrw. den finally i chose yellow Mango tanktop and brown jacket, and skirt. cannot wear anyhow la. haha, its the ska fest baby! gotta wear appropriately. ahh~anyw, gonna take a sleep now. dawn's rising and i need some sleep. so i wont faint later, haha! joking lar deh. okays, take care all. :D
Hello, today's been a great day for me i think (xcept for the ending, ergh) had skul as per normal, and after recess, had free period. den during chapel, watched Hanyut. and its getting superboring, cos i watched it like so many times, at home and in malay class. and before art class, monkeyed around skul like v crazy people. me and natz squeezing each other's filthy butts. whoooo~ and us chasing after Jordan! hahaha. dat was gross. GROSSSSSSS. den had art class, stationed ourselves right outside the art studio, and drew at least two bamboos. i had to admit dat mine looked like sugarcanes, haha! Mr. Lau said it looked too regular..? but i was too lazy to modify. so i started to start my shading. turned out okay, i guess. den after completing wat we're supposed to complete, me and Saras chased Vicky around the art class for her butts! (she's afraid of me can?! haha.) after that, camwhored fer awhile! :D and i bit Jaselyn today. sorry eh! =/
after art class, all went to bubble tea shop, and had our late lunches. yummy! :D den stayed there till 6 plus, cos i had no keys to go home, and they still wanted to hang there. so i just joined them. Ca was freaking funny, with her dance and all, again! and Natz owed her a choco waffle cos she danced right there. how easy money rolls in for Ca eh. haha.
now reached home with Brother, and cant wait for tmrw's ska fest! and i think gonna meet him for awhile at Bugis, after the Gas Haus thingy. :D how cute. haha. den walk-walk wit him la. den go in Gas Haus at 4 plus, cos dat's when my brother's band is playing. den watch till finish wit Ajim. den after dat, mayb going pasir ris, cos my auntie's having a bbq. for no reason. i think she have nth better to do eh. haha.
okay, gonna call Ashraf now! wanna talk bout tmrw. I MISS HIM TRUCKLOADDDDDS.
Thursday, February 01, 2007

i just wanna say i love Ashraf so much.
i wont let him go.
and it's the second month of the new year, & big congrats to the Singapore soccer team! we won again for the second time! (didnt xpected it, cos the referees were biased can?!) :D
anyw, just finished talking wit him on the fone. superyay! and he cant meet me tmrw, again! pfft. its like the third time dat he cancelled our meeting. ahh~ i miss him so much la. the last time i met him was on last tuesday. how?! shooooosh. i feel like biting him. =/
shall stop talkin bout him all the time, should just keep it to myself eh? Hmms. and so, Saturday's gonna be fun, cos going to Ska Fest, and whooooooohoooooooo! =D cant wait la. brother's practising hard for the gig, cos its the first time he's playing ska. but i gotta admit, he's kinda gud.
and guess wat, im starting to get dat 'i-hate-math' feeling. ASK NURUL! haha. everything about Math is like crowding in my head, and everywhere i go, i see M-A-T-H. tadaa! 'YOU GOTTA LOVE MATH' as said by Mr Tan, mua A Math teacher. and bla bla blaaa, he goes on. never gonna b a full-stop to it. and did i mentioned, dat the physics teacher is driving me nuts? he's making it easy for everyone in our class to bully him. oh my god, i need to change my physics teacher alot please!
still wondering where i should go tmrw, now dat my plan to meet him has changed. where? tried contacting bdak2 tamp, but their prepaid low. i miss them alot la can! haha. so long since i joked around wit them. confirm there's alot to catch up on. gud times can never end. =D
& Shafiq Dickhead misses me =DDDDD got a msg from him, he said dat its been a long time he didnt msg me. haha. well, not my fault ok! im his pinhead la siaa. haha. anyw, it was nice hearing from him after such a long time. ahh~ i miss Julie too, and Akim Babe the most! i know, i think i'll hang out wit them tmrw. ok! i'll go nudge Akim now on msn. hope tmrw's gonna b njoyable.
i'll promise forever,
i'll b here wit you,
to hold you in my arms.