Saturday, December 30, 2006
Yanash Kazuko,Come Friend Me Okeh :D
today's New Year's Eve.
and im feelin happy, double happy, triple happy, VERY HAPPPPPYY.
so tmrw waking up super early to visit my Nenek Sharifah's house to have my lunch. and mayb a small and fast cousin gathering la. Kak Noreen's gonna b there. and and! abg Aidy and abg Rudy and abg Wan too. i've missed them so much! okay so just now, i went online at 0315 hours and quite a few are online. chatted wit Yan Jepon and catched up wit his life and all. good luck on your ITE next year kay! and he went offline. den chatted wit Uncle Ahmad, hahaha. it was funny talkin to him. superfunny can :D he said dat he could die while talkin to me. cos i can b so irritatin on msn sometimes. but only cases when im bored =0
and now chattin wit Fadhil. aka Fadew :D isnt dat a nice name? hahh. now catchin up on wat happened and wats happenin in his life ..and mine too. haha. and i told him that his display picture is fugly, and he was like, huh wat picture? msn or frenster? den i said, msn. den he was like, huh? which one, the one im wit suspenders eh? and i said, no, the picture you're using now! den he goes, huh? i dun understand! which one?!!!?!?! and i was like, okay drop it. you'll never understand wat simple thing im talkin bout now. pfft. and finally i didnt know how, but he finally understood wat i was tring to say. Fadew is such a clown.
and Ashraf's calling me at 5 am :) and im happy. gonna ask him how's his day and all. gonna try to talk like how i used to talk to him last time. see if it works. sheesh, cant wait to hear his voice, and now's just 0434 hours. nevermind, time's tickin away real fast now.
so after goin to Nenek Sharifah's house at Clementi, gonna travel to Bugis and reach there at 4 sharp and meet up with Ajim at the control station. cant b late, shouldnt keep him waiting again! haha. and and! Eman's goin to Johor first thing in the morning, and he just wasted his ten bucks! stupid shitass! haha. so after the gig, gonna blast off to the customs, and while on the way, gonna stop at Bishan mrt station's last cabin and passing Brother's guitar to daddy. cos he's bringing it home. and den off we go to the customs. and lemme tell you somethin, i hate the msian customs. the guy workers are like freakin disgustin. and i dun like. erghhh.
okeh im done here.
Fadew's gone to shit for awhile.
so just gonna wait for him to come back and tell him dat i wanna shut down the computer.
plug in my mp3 and wait for Ashraf to call.
den i promise, we'll have a nice, supernice talk with each other before i go tmrw.