Thursday, December 28, 2006

i feel like half of me is gone :(
tmrw meetin Ashraf at Bugis awhile to pass him the shirt i bought for him.
and i think its gonna b the last time i get to meet him, until for very long :(
pfft. i hate my controlled life. too many stupid things i did, and too many sad things happened.
how stupid for me to do useless stuffs and in the end, another person is affected too.
how stupid can i get?
but mayb no-one can change me, cos that's how i am.
not wat i choose to b.
i should stop this.
i shouldnt blame anyone for all that happened.
so tmrw, gonna see him.
just wanna look at him properly, how beautiful his eyes are,
how cute his hair is,
how sweet his smile can get.
i'd never trade dat for anythin else.
oh fuck, just two years and everythin will b like how it used to b.
or it wont?
i will never forget how sweet he was even when we have to b apart.
the sincerety in his voice when he asked me to remember dat he still loves me.
and will wait for me.
i will too dear, dun worry.
'i will make you the most sweetest memory in my life'wats written for me,is the best for you.FROM YOU, I FOUND MY LIFE. <3Ashraf, i love you, i really do ..